Windows Contacts parsing – Auslesen in Microsoft Windows Vista – CSharp .net 3.0

Es geht darum, wie man an die Kontaktdaten mit dem neuen “Windows Contacts” kommt – dazu habe ich kleines Demo in C# mit .net 3.0 erstellt.

Der Rest steht hier in Englisch: 

As you might know since Microsoft Windows Vista the WAB (Windows Address Book) was replaced by a new contact set, named “Windows Contacts”. Due to the fact it took some time to find out how to access and read the contacts, I would like to present you an example of how to read the contacts. I first thought of writing an XML-Reader for the contacts, afterwards I tried to use some kind of Windows API. It was confusing, because the suitable information upon this topic is rather minimalistic. But after some time in google I found a suitable way. So there is not much of coding, but the usable way is interesting.

You need: .net Framework 3.0 and contacts.dll from

Demo Project:

Diplomarbeit – Kurzfassung

Nachdem ich immer mal wieder gefragt werde, worum es in der Diplomarbeit ging, hier die Zusammenfassung:

 Vehicular Software of Deutsche Bahn AG is subject to configuration management: For each vehicle model one single target version for all involved software components is built. Due to the size of the fleet and the fact that the changeover of software takes place in various factories and therefore is iterative, quite frequently the target version cannot be reached in one single step. In this case intermediate states of all software versions are necessary. Nevertheless it is crucial, that all configurations are valid and reliable at any time. When talking of configuration, you have to keep in mind that there are dependencies between all software components itself and towards external entities, like regional restrictions, seasonal limitations or legal requirements. Moreover these dependencies differ by any means in miscellaneous criteria: e.g. their occurrence and their relevance. In this diploma thesis, several differentiating factors of dependencies and their relating partners are analysed and developed. Based upon this analysis, a concept is presented which distinguishes three basic types of dependencies: 

  • Dependencies between software components
  • Dependencies between software and external entities
  • Dependencies between software and other dependencies 

This concept is represented by an entity-relationship-model and provides a statement of requirements for valid classifications of dependency-partners. As an example, a software component of a train vehicle could be dependent of the track’s curve radius. In this case, it would be helpful to provide claimed and respectively valid ranges. In terms of support in practice, the model is implemented in a database solution. This software has the task to support the employees of Deutsche Bahn AG, while verifying configurations for vehicular software. This is achieved by providing and managing all necessary information about dependency relationships.

Neues Lieblingswort “beratungsresistent”

Ich weiß sicher nicht alles und bin um jede Hilfe froh. Auch bin ich immer offen für Vorschläge und Wissensaustausch.

Aber es gibt immer wieder Personen, die um Hilfe bitten, diese aber in keinster Weise auch nur zur Kenntnis nehmen. Später kommt dann das Gejammer, wenn’s doch schief gegangen ist. Aber auch beim zweiten Mal hat man kein Einsehen.

Diese Personengruppe nenne ich beratungsresistent – mein neues Lieblingswort!


Noch mehr oder weniger 3 Tage muss ich noch zu meiner Diplomandenstelle. Übergabe machen, Aufräumen und Abschlussvortrag halten. Die Ausstandsfeier hatten wir bereits am Freitag “absolviert”.

 Dann geht eine 6,5 – Monatige Zeit auch schon zu Ende. Ob ich nun froh darüber sein soll, dass es nun vorbei ist – weiß ich gar nicht so wirklich. Gemischt irgendwie 🙁

 In jedem Falle hoffe ich, dass ich bald mein Diplom in den Händen halten darf.

Schwarzes fürs Auto

Auf der Suche nach einer guten Zusammenstellung für’s Auto bin ich zu folgendem Mix gekommen:

 ASP – Kokon
STOCHASTIC THEORY – Losing My Religion
Tristania – Lotus
Clan Of Xymox – Special Friends
Purwien – Bei Dir
The Sins – Mirror
Bloodflowerz – illusionary fields
Skorbut – Firewall
Jupiter Crash – Dark Surprise
Front Line Assembly – Uncivilized
Songs Of Lemuria – Meer
Jupiter Crash – Dark Surprise
Ferus Odium – The Ceremony EE
Siebenburgen – Vampyria